Friday, May 14, 2010

The Musical and Artistic Joshua

Joshua is first chair in the Jazz B Band- What that boils down to is that he is the best Trombone in the school. When josh first approached us with the idea of playing the Trombone I was a little hesitant. My musical ability is anythink less than stellar and in-fact believe that I missed the music talent line in heaven. We supportively found him a nice used trombone and it began; 6:30 A.M. Practices everyday, rehearsals after school and the wonderful practicing that reverberates throughout the house. But look at him now. In the festival they attended as a symphony, Josh had a solo and recieved the highest mark.
Then at the end of the year concert, he played a Jazz band solo in front of a huge audience, bobbing and beating his foot to the beat of the music just as an experienced and talented jazz soloist would. We were proud, pleased and a little over whelmed. When I asked him why he didn't tell me, he siad he wanted it to be a surprise. Here are a few of the songs he played. Josh is the first trombone.

Guadalcanal March

Pink Panther

Ashton Overture

He also had three art pieces in the art show. Josh has come a long way; from a little four year old who couldn't speak, was severely behind in reading, serious anger problems, learning disabilities, and in special needs -TO- First trombone of seven at the school, has out read everyone else in his english class by 5 books, scored the highest in his english class on the state english tests, no longer in special education, and is constantly rated as his teachers as one of their best students. He plans to begin college courses next year. We are very proud of him!!


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