Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gooseberry's Fraternal Twin - Little Creek Mesa

Gooseberry Mesa -  for Mountain bikers the name evokes images of winding around and through trees while hopping rock ledges, skirting cliff edges and riding one of the prime trails ever created. Little known too most is it's twin; Little Creek Mesa.

While similar in riding, many have suggested that Little Creek rivaled and even surpassed the riding to be had on Gooseberry. The trails are less marked, but for the adventurous in spirit that becomes and indeed is part of the allure that keeps them coming back.

We had ridden Little Creek before, but I broke a rear hub after only a few miles. We went and bought a new rear hub and rim, but with daylight fading we were only able to get in 10 miles or so. We had heard rumor that there are many more miles of trail (actually up to forty according to over the edge sports in Hurricane) so we had to go back.

We didn't end up taking many pictures. We were too busy riding.

After riding much of what little creek has to offer, I guarantee we will be going back again and again!


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