Roughly 5 Miles, 1500 vertical feet. Begin at the timpanooke trail head and go down the trail towards timp for about 100 feet then go right on the GWT. Stay on the GWT up to the meadow. Head through the meadow and down to the road. Follow the raod back to the parking. Great views, steep beginning.
3 Miles, 500 Vertical feet. This is a great little loop that begins and ends at the Summit parking in A.F. Canyon. Go left through the fence and climb up to Horse Flats. The view is incredible. About 200 feet into horse Flats turn left on a rarely used trail. Climbe the ridge and drop down to anoterh Meadow. A Elk Herd lives in this area so pay attention and you may get to see them. Take a left at the watering trough over another ridge to a pond. Follow the trail down to the main trail ( I forget the name but GO LEFT, right will take you to sundance - also very cool). Just head back to the parking!
5 mile out-n-back, Approx. 650 vertical feet. This was a great little run. About five miles total, some uphill but not bad. Plus soaking in the hot springs and the waterfall is very nice. We went on a tuesday and were the only ones there. Be careful on a friday or saturday night because there can be nudes. To find the trail head drive up spanish fork canyon 5.5 miles then take a left on the diamond fork canyon road. Drive 10 miles and find the parking on the right (a bridge over the river) the trail goes past the outhouse, through the gate and straight. (not right over the river).
This is the only picture I have as yet. This is a good little loop. Begin at Salamander flat and follow the willow springs trail up to the summit parking area. At the summit you will go left on the ridge 157 trail. At the junction with the ridge connector trail hang a right down to a long valley (where a bunch of wild turkeys live). From there follow the trail a little more until you reach the pine hollow downhill. Follow it to the next valley, then go straight (or left, however you look at it) back to salamander flats. This trail has about 600 feet climbing, good views and two cool valleys. We ran it late and it wasnt too crowded. On the weekends however, there will be many, many more people, mountain bikers, moto bikers and horses. Not to mention trail runners.