Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Muskrat in the back yard

This morning we woke up to dogs barking, and children yelling in the back yard. Hannah came in and told us there was a squirrel behind the pool, of course we told them to leave it alone. Within minutes C came in and informed us they had just caught a muskrat.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Julie Andrews Meadow 5 Mile Trail Run Loop

Julie Andrews Meadow is a little known, beautiful Meadow on the Great Western trail about 2 steep miles from The Timpanooke trail head. In an effort to find more trail running places we ran this loop. It is very steep at first, the levels slightly as it follows a beautiful ridge climbing to the final right turn into Julie Andrews Meadow.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

2010 Parade of Homes

Parade of homes- In the past we have done the rock or brick on many homes in the Parade. However, in order to see the homes you must be invited by the owner, contractor or pay. This year the owners, which are fabulous people,  invited us to tour their beautiful home. It turned out fantastic. We did this one and another in Elk Ridge for which Mike Gillings Masonry was awarded the outstanding craftsman of the year award from the parade. The fourth it has been awarded in as many years. This picture is the back side of the house, Brick surrounding the windows with rock exterior.

300 Ft Block wall in Levan

Levan -the land of waving alfalfa. Recently the we have been working in Levan. That's Navel spelled backwards as it is the center of Utah. We did a 300 ft Block wall for a great Old Friend. It was a neat place. Waving alfalfa, green mountains, horses and farms as far as the eye can see.
Look closely at the picture and in the back you can see that the wall curves to the left. My dad and I did that. It was fairly difficult to do but turned out fantastic in the end.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

When foot meets rake (or something) - Or - Another lesson learned as a father. . .

It began with a new pool. Our neighbors moved to California and gave us their four foot deep, sixteen feet around above ground pool. Now our house is a continuous neighborhood playground. The kids love it. Two days ago as Esther and the multitude of children were anxiously engaged in an outdoor event, she stepped on a rake (or something).

The Beginning of trail running

I've always wanted to do a Triathlon. Biking, I can do, Swimming, slow but managable, running. . .the achilles heel, literally. My ankles begin to throb after about 3 miles of pavement punding. Furthermore I can think of few more boring prospects than following a flat road to seemingly nowhere. So I began trail running.

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