Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Thanksgiving lesson learned

Just a quick Story, and a lesson.

Tonight during family scripture study,

 We were discussing some things we are going to do at Christmas to better serve others.

(I found it in a Rachael ray Magazine my wife receives, We call them service jars, for the next 25 days we pull out one slip a day which has written on it one way to serve others, that day we focus on doing that thing for as many as we can, 9 jars, everyone has a different item)

The conversation turned to money and family and blessings

We read Malachi 3: 13-18 which essentially teaches that one cannot judge on this earth the blessings that one receives from righteousness.

Then My twelve year old son said, "Dad this came into my mind as you were talking;

Money means nothing, Faith is the currency of the Lord"

What?! A twelve year old?

That was a lesson I learned on Thanksgiving day.


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