Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Bridge

It all began with a hat, during the last election. While picking up some medicine At walgreens, a certain hat grabbed my attention. Because I sometimes enjoy stirring up controversy, I knew this was the perfect hat for me...in Utah.
What was on this perfect hat? Vote Obama.

I immediately placed on our van dashboard and would wear it whenever the opportunity arose; Church socials, corporate meetings, any chance I got. The reaction was a little surprising, even for me.

Some would just laugh, others would question how I could support a man who was ruining our country, others were downright angry, ordering me to remove that "horrible thing".
Yet many times when I questioned why, I got the same answers. No one really knew much about this man, our current president.

I have always believed that many enemies are made because people don't try to understand this with whom they disagree.

I decided I wanted to understand our president so I read his book; The Audacity of Hope, and loved it. It helped me understand why he makes the decisions he does. I don't agree with many of the political decisions he makes, but I understand his motives.

Now I am reading the book titled "The Bridge", and again loving it. I read it whenever and wherever I can. Including doctor visits, or just waiting in line. The reaction has been similar to the hat; stares, glancing looks, dirty looks, or flat out questions like; " So you're reading about Obama huh?" You like him? I generally  respond that  I don't agree with many of PRESIDENT OBAMA'S policies but I find his life somewhat inspirational. A good father, husband and son.  Then I remark how many hate him but know nothing about him, I wanted to learn and understand all I can. Their response is anything from a mumbled, "huh" to "that's cool".

I still think it comes down to the lack of trying to understand those with whom we disagree. There would be much less anger and hatred in this world if more common ground were found between those with different beliefs. Republicans think democrats are wrong, democrats think republicans are wrong, yet I think a nation or people divided against itself cannot stand.

It's time we try to understand those with whom we disagree, I think then and only then do we realize how much we truly agree upon.


gantrieb said...

was the 'horrible thing' nancy's comment. i could see that :)

Gage said...

No, but I could see that. That's funny.

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