Sunday, March 6, 2011

She still dances

Have you ever seen one of those videos that are terrible, people are talking in the background and it's too dark to really see anything? This is one of those videos. I only share it because Dawn is dancing in the middle, I am sitting, with the rest of the husbands, on the edge. She is one of the women in the center.

Our new stake threw a "Hearty" party (Their pun not mine) and Dawn wanted to go so I tagged along. The turnout was very poor, but we still had fun.

It was enjoyable meeting new neighbors. Our new ward has 4 retirement communities within it's boundaries and many widows. Our first week in church we were like celebrities. A new family!!!

The same week we were introduced in church, we also spoke. The oldest three, Dawn and my self. Everyone did well.


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