Sunday, January 30, 2011

Christmas tree Bonfire hot Dog roast

Decoration less, waiting to fulfill it's final destiny.

January has always been such a let down. So much has happened October through December with Halloween, Thanksgiving (Although that holiday has issues) and finally the build up to and final celebration of Christmas. Then the Doldrums. No School breaks (until April) no major holidays, (Unless you count St. Patricks day when I always "find" a leprechaun "treasure map" leading to a cash of shiny, buried one dollar gold coins) there just isn't much happening. Not to mention the tree, we scout the mountains, cut it, haul it to the truck, decorate it, sit underneath it every night, sleep under it's branches on Christmas eve's eve, then throw it on the curb for someone to pick up. What a waste. That is normally why our tree stays up almost throughout January. However, this year we attended the Alvey-Farr tradition of Burning the Christmas trees up the canyon and roasting hot dogs and smores.

There was a good turn out. Kelly came from back east (because I forget in which state she lives) to burn the tree, yes it is that popular. Grandma and grandpa Farr. The Gillings, Alvey grandparents and finally Jake's Brother, Bob (because I forgot his name)

In an effort to get more air to the fire, Grandpa Greg in an herculean effort lifted the tree from the fire and let the flames leap to the sky. This was when all the pyro began, at least with the younger children.

The final glow of the campfire. It was only about an hour and a half but it was a great ending to the holiday season, and a great start to a new tradition.

Let the Doldrums officially begin.

However, this year will be different, we have decided to do something fun and adventurous each month.

February - Goblin Valley (Resurrected tradition)
March - Antelope Island (Resurrected tradition)
April - MOAB (long time tradition)
May - Float the Little San Rafael River (New tradition)
June - Boulder Mountains and slot canyons (Long time tradition)
July - Bear lake (Long time tradition)

These coupled with the monthly Moab/St. George/Arizona/Cali Biking trips my Brother and I do - are going to make for a good adventure filled year.


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