Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Gingerbread house tradition

Every Year we purchase those cheap, pre-made ginger bread house kits, you know the ones. We dive the kids into three groups then let then loose, without parental guidance or help.

As you can see they are focused and determined to get the buildings decorated.

Some are more content just eating the candies. An added bonus; any candy they don't use for decorating they can eat. Thus some of the decorations are sparse.

The finished product; a train. That gingerbread with a green mass of frosting on the train car is santa with green blood, courtesy of little man.

The older boys did a Christmas village.

The final product on the fridge to be displayed then promptly eaten on New Years Eve. The large house the girls made, fell down in a "hurricane". We never fixed it.

We love doing this and the mess is well worth it.


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