Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halloween/Birthday Party 1.0

Every Year around Halloween we gather for a little family party and October Birthdays. All were there except for our Sister in Brazil.
This is Little J' and Baby V with Modela in the background. I love Little J's hair, I call the color "see through"

Close up!

Why a picture of the backyard tree?

Queen is at the top.

Three new mom's with Three new babies. "Martha stewart 2" and baby S. "Super mom" and Baby B. and "the Modela" with Baby V. "Hot mama" (My wife) is noticeably absent from the picture, and she is not disappointed.

Tank taking on the spanking machine.

Little J. Sporting some new clip on earrings

The small one Donut eating contest.  Left to right. C, lil' man, Baby Girl, Tank in the background.

Far right is M of "Sasquatch" and "Martha Stewart 2"

The medium ones donut eating contest. Left to right; Tank, Squishy, Queen, and Big K.

The big ones. They went against the Dog's. His Highness and Tiny.

Little J. Shooting through the spanking machine.

The final Pinata partying.  You will notice how loud it is. I am always loud, but we had 16 kids, 9 adults and two dogs running around. It was insane.

It's amazing how much fun you can have with something so simple. The kids love it and with "super-mom", "the Modela", and "Martha Stewart 2" Baking and making treats it's also always a very delicious night.

Again we missed our wonderful sister and their family, but Brazil needs some of our energy too. There is so much we try to spread it out a little. One in Sao Paulo, one in Pennsylvania and three in Utah.


Arbuckle Blog said...

Eu Gosto Muito. Muito Muito Muito Obrigada!

Gage said...

Portugues? Amo voce. Quando chegar em casa a gente conversa mais!

gantrieb said...

Are you guys talking about me?!? not everyone speaks portugese

Gage said...

Hey Gantrie. Two Words. . .Google tranlate. It's cool.|ru|

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