Saturday, October 2, 2010

Three Generations

Three Generations of Priesthood Holders. Tiny in the front is actually twelve.

My Dad, ie; Father William(no idea), Old Man, Papi, Grandpa, has always instilled in us the importance of attending conference but particularly the priesthood session; missing was not an option. . . ever.

Conference was great the speakers were;

Elder Nelson - Every member a missionary

Elder Patrick Kearon - He is from Arabia, I think, very cool accent, the women would like to see him speak, trust me they would. He spoke of being obedient and not lazy. He got stung by a scorpion, in the desert.

Elder Uceda - Described our nightly family scripture study, it apparently is not how it should be done. It goes something like this; Dad calls everyone down, kids don't want to or are whining, dad tries to nicely say we are doing it but loses his temper and threatens something horrible to get them to behave. . .spirit leaves. . .read scriptures, pray. . .then apologize. . .learn lessons about why that is not the way to do it. Keeping the spirit there is better.

President Uchtdorf- Beware of Pride, it is a gateway sin - it leads to others. Pride can be the desire to be admired or envied in some, for others it turns to envy. The way to combat it - Fill your heart with charity. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking less about yourself.

President Eyring- Use the divine power we have to serve others. The power to serve is magnified by the power of the spirit. Repentance, Prayer and pondering the scriptures qualifies us to receive the spiritual power we need. You will know what to say when you get there to serve.

President Monson - The three R's of Choice. Right to Choose, Responsibility to Choose, Results of Choice.  Ended with the story of Clayton Christensen - Life goal to not play sports on Sunday ever. . .ends up playing basket ball for a major university as the starting center (oxford in England). . . The team goes to the national championship. . .wins every game. . .in final four. . .final game on Sunday. . .goes to coach and says he doesn't want to play. . .coach expects him to play. . .semifinal game the back-up center is injured. . .asks God in prayer if he could play just this once, it's an extenuating circumstance. . .God tells him he knows the answer. . .he doesn't play and attends a local ward's meeting's instead. . .he says "that decision was the key decision in his life as he found his life was full of "extenuating circumstances"". Pres. Monson discusses 100% obedience - it's easier to be 100% obedient than 98%.

Well, that is my very rough summary. More of what I gleaned and needed than anything else.

Following the session we went to an all you can eat pizza place. Very Tasty - Gained much weight.

What a great night!!


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