Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This world is full of signs; Caution signs, Warning sings, Beware signs, Stay Out signs, etc.  These are some of my favorites. . .  

Hate this one.
Love Brian Regan

They are everywhere. . .you can't get away from them. . . unless you mountain bike. . .there are no signs. . .how do we recognize those like the student driver who are new to our sport?

Slow rider - new or just fat?
Old bike - new or just thrifty?
New Bike - New or thrifty? (I don't know what that means but I mean it in a good way)

There has to be some way to recognize them on the trail, this is our proposed solution;
Newbie Glasses!!
You can find yours at the DI nearest to you.

Spot these babies and get out of the way, but remember to encourage and uplift as they ride past.

Let's practice;
Riding your favorite trail you spot these glasses coming at you.
1-Get off trail. Sometimes way off the trail.
2- Motivate - Man your rippin' up this, nice technique, I like your camelbak, have a good ride.
3- Wait until safe distance
4-Resume ride.

Get off. Motivate. Wait. Resume

What a better riding experience we would all have. More people would want to bike. Friendliness (perhaps a new word) would increase on the trail.

It's the new. . .

(We would like to graciously thank Dallin who is not a newbie, but in a quest to further safety on the mountain volunteered to wear these lovely shades. The blood was for effect.)


Amanda Leigh Anderson said...

Oh my goodness, Gage! I am beside myself. This is one of the best posts I have ever seen. You kill me!!! Your "special affects" are stunning! Who is this Dallin guy? You should introduce us. ;)

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