Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why I mountain bike?

People are always asking me how come I love mountain biking so much. Here are a few reasons.

1. The exercise, low impact, high burn.

2. The mountains. I hate riding on roads.

3. I can go faster than walking, or running. I can see places that would otherwise take days in less than one day.

4. The adventure. Getting stuck at night, Injuries, animals, sunsets, sunrise,etc.

5. The adrenaline. Nothing except skiing or snowboarding compares to ripping down a narrow single track. Nothing.

6. Moab. If you have been you understand. If have not, you don't.

7. Family. My Brothers and Brother-in-laws are the best biking buddies.

8. The challenge. Clearing a steep rocky climb. Fixing a blown out tire and tube 5 miles into a 15 mile ride. Riding out with a severe shoulder separation. Doing 103 miles in one day, all dirt, running out of water but still going.

9. Spring riding after a long winter. What a feeling.

10. Fall mountain colors. Only compares to spring.

If you don't mountain bike, you should try it. You don't know what you're missing. 
Maybe this list will help my wife understand more. What about winter do you ask, I still ride. But I snow shoe much more. Someday I will explain that.


Janae Moss said...

ummm, I'm quite speachless. If you are trying to convince me, it's a good thing you aren't a lawyer :) I rode once and gashed open my knee when a car ran me off the road into a pit of rocks. I know I would love it IF I could change a tire and liked injuries. Other than that, I am totally intrigued...

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